Daily #131

News: Ukraine remembers shooting down of Malaysian Flight MH17 Casualties in Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip Trump: Taiwan should “pay” USA for protection from China Seoul: North Korea laid “tens of thousands” of new mines Germany: Draft for the 2025 budget approved Mayor of Florence plans summit against mass tourism Chancellery: Summit for bureaucracy reduction, tax cuts SPÖ for “right to heat leave” for some professions Press conference in Strasbourg: Schilling does not comment on accusations Documentation office expects spread of Salafism Vienna launches summer campaign against knock out drops European Parliament criticizes Orban’s travels in resolution Directive on human trafficking as delicate balancing act Ukraine and Russia exchanged prisoners of war Occupation administration reports victims after attack on Kherson Inflation in June fell to three percent Signa Development: Liabilities claims brought Chamber of Labour Test: Nine out of 16 mosquito repellents recommended Fire hazard: IKEA recalls Varmfront power banks “Today” publisher Eva Dichand stepped down as CEO Oil pollution: Beaches closed in Valencia, Spain Ahead of COP29: Warning for compromise on climate finance What remains of the European Football Championship in memory Olympics: Paris Mayor swims in the Seine Hospitalization after choking attack on mother Pedestrian hit: Lorry driver commits hit and run Prison sentence for father due to incest Large damage after storm in Upper Styria Reckless escape attempt despite daughter in the car Styria: Primary child care planned from autumn Salzburg Festival House has digital twin New funding for faster cinema debuts ImPulsTanz 2024: A fool’s ship sets sail Locarno Film Festival: Cuaron receives Lifetime Achievement Award Richard Lugner had heart surgery Fireball over New York

Prompt: Recollection of a tragic plane crash, enduring tension and attacks in the Middle East, political negotiations, discussions of bureaucracy and tourism overpopulation, spreading extremism, warnings of drug misuse, concerns over environmental pollution and urgent calls for climate financing. Mixed feelings about sport events, unsettled crime reports, swift escape attempts and anticipated healthcare developments, wrapped up with the world of arts and dramatic cosmic events.

Inspiration: El Greco

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