Daily #109

News: Also ORF: Russia blocks over 80 European media outlets Nairobi: Several dead in storming of parliament building Civil Protection: Relatives of Hamas leader Haniya killed Supreme Court: Israel’s ultra-Orthodox must join army Betting scandal: Tories withdraw support from candidate Lawsuit against Ten Commandments law in Louisiana Officially accession negotiations with Ukraine started Serbia signs agreement with Frontex Teams: Commission accuses Microsoft of unfair competition Several raids in the vicinity of Rene Benko Injured on Boeing flight: Korean Air launches investigation Origin of tomatoes in ketchup often unclear 1.16 billion euros in claims after Fisker bankruptcy AK President Anderl re-elected by large majority Nazi slogans at Pride Parade: Police are investigating Women’s pensions: ÖGB criticizes “standstill” Kiev: Ammunition depot in Russia attacked WHO: Austria’s alcohol consumption at peak level China’s capsule with moon rocks back on Earth Austria has big plans against the Netherlands at EM France’s goal drought to end against Poland Neo-coach gives Salzburg new system Body of missing tour skier found in Tyrol Drunk driver severely injured cyclist on Vienna’s Ring Accident on A1: Truck collided with mast Vienna begins shutdowns in gas network WWF soil report criticizes “land consumption” Vorarlberg: Butterfly seen for the first time since 1919 Spain: Schismatic order of nuns facing eviction Pianist and puppeteer Norman Shetler dead Open air for Bruckner’s 200th birthday Jane Fonda and Prince: 36 new stars for “Walk of Fame” “Butterfly”: Singer of US band Crazy Town is dead Wild Mountain Mautern: Wildcat triplets receive visit

Prompt: Media censorship, political controversies, natural disasters, legal actions, corporate scandals, health concerns, sports anticipation, wildlife reappearance, celebrity news, unexpected passings, celebrations.

Inspiration: Kehinde Wiley

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