Daily #227

News: Court of Auditors: EU double funds some projects Criticism of delays in chemical testing Austria’s lawsuit on EU taxonomy in court WHO wants to bring up to 1,000 women and children from Gaza Russian warships to maneuver in Myanmar Israel: Attacks on Hezbollah financial structure Vietnam: Army General Cuong new president WK Vorarlberg wants to move away from the ”state green zone“ SPÖ plans: Babler club chairman, Bures third NR President Salzburg SPÖ boss resigns Peter Pilz convicted in “spy affair” DSN: Five times more attack plans in Europe since Hamas attack NATO warns North Korea of troops for Russia Dam collapse in Brazil: trial starts against BHP ECB’s secrecy over Signa documents Palmer’s loss tripled City of Salzburg: Overnight stays more expensive, entertainment tax falls Microsoft enables construction of autonomous AI programs Surf opening likely to leave Lake Neusiedl Cycling star Pogacar eyes historic coup Polcanova leaves mark on Home European Championship as well Footballers protest against FIFA-Saudi deal Dead on Rax after glider crash U2 main line probably open later Hundreds of people storm ruby mine in Mozambique India: Flood of bomb threats against airlines Studies: Global warming favors forest fires Fungi should get their own status Pope excludes ordination of deaconesses Muslim * Contemporary shows Muslim perspectives Biden wants to honour Spielberg and Missy Elliott “Literature to go”: Tilman Tuppy reads Thomas Glavinic “CultureMonday”: Repressions against artists in Slovakia Schönbrunn Zoo gets new panda couple in 2025

Prompt: Overwhelming political tensions, bureaucratic hurdles and social changes, international diplomacy and military strategies, continuous strive for justice, tech advances, environmental threats, sports ambitions, religious debates, recognition of arts and cultural diversity, urgent wildlife conservation efforts

Inspiration: Alice Neel

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